Backpropogation with global minimum gradient descent
If a particular posterior distribution is a surface in a high dimensional space , we may ask what the dimensions of this space represent. From my understanding , In a CNN the dimensions could represent the representation encoded at each neuron in the NN as well as the filters..Where the HD surface then represents how each neurons "bias" contributes (amplitude in that dimension) to the bias of the network to classify say a cat as a cat? And if there are 4 neurons one for the legs , the head , the body and the tail then a random image must have a 4D normal distribution (surface) in this classify a cat..ofcourse neurons never learn that well....because when the thing that causes a neuron to fire may be part of a leg and part of a head, with the appropiate settings even this N can identify cats , but the distribution will not be normal...if this reasoning is fine so far the real question is, is it possible to give conditions to the back propogation algorithm such that role of a particular neuron in say , classification is which i mean the posterior distribution described by the dimensions (i.e. the input that causes a particular neuron to fire) is a multi dimensional normal curve....that should represent the global minimum of the cost we can design the network in such a way that we compute a value for the relative values of the weights and biases needed to have the neurons explicitly encode the posterior distribution as a normal surface...then use this value as the expected value in calculating a cost function that compares this expected value to the actual relative nature of the biases and weights....then backpropagate with gradient decent to reduce the cost.......this depends on how you need to scale the weights and biases, so they maintain the same traditional cost (the usual cost)...depending on that we could adjust the algorithm...a note is that we will be backpropagating from the "side" of the network and not the last layer, meaning that the information will reach every neuron as if it belonged to the output layer,
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